Call for Papers
All dates are Anywhere on Earth.
- Deadline for abstracts: 1 June 2015
- Deadline for papers: 15 June 2015
- Author notification: 24 July 2015
- Camera ready copies due: 21 August 2015
Conference dates:
- SLE workshops: 25 October 2015
- Conference: 26–27 October 2015
Software Language Engineering (SLE) is the application of systematic, disciplined, and measurable approaches to the development, use, deployment, and maintenance of software languages. The term “software language” is used broadly, and includes: general-purpose programming languages; domain-specific languages (e.g. BPMN, Simulink, Modelica); modeling and metamodeling languages (e.g. SysML and UML); data models and ontologies (e.g. XML-based and OWL-based languages and vocabularies).
SLE aims to be broad-minded and inclusive about relevance and scope. We solicit high-quality contributions in areas ranging from theoretical and conceptual contributions to tools, techniques, and frameworks. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Approaches and methodologies for language design
- Tools for language design and implementation (incl. meta-languages, meta-tools, language workbenches)
- Generative approaches (incl. transformation and transformation languages, code generation)
- Interpreters and interpreter composition
- Techniques for analysing (and proving properties of) software language descriptions
- Techniques for software language reuse, evolution and management of variations (syntactic/semantic) within language families
- Integration and coordination of disparate software languages and tools
- Applications of DSLs for different purposes (incl. modeling, simulating, generation, description, checking)
- Novel applications and/or empirical studies on any aspect of SLE (development, use, deployment, and maintenance of software languages)
- Cross-fertilization of different technological spaces (e.g. modelware, grammarware, ontologies)
- Research papers: These should report a substantial research contribution to SLE or successful application of SLE techniques or both. Full paper submissions must not exceed 12 pages (in ACM SIGPLAN conference style).
- Tool papers: Because of SLE’s ample interest in tools, we seek papers that present software tools related to the field of SLE. Selection criteria include originality of the tool, its innovative aspects, and relevance to SLE. Tool papers should include an appendix outlining the proposed demonstration, including screenshots etc. A short video may be linked as well. Tool paper submissions must not exceed 6 pages (in ACM SIGPLAN conference style).
- Bridging position papers: These papers discuss bridging ideas from the different areas of SLE (e.g. modelling, programming languages, grammars, etc). This includes both foundational ideas and/or practical techniques. Bridging position papers must not exceed 2 pages (in ACM SIGPLAN conference style).
In 2015, industrial experience papers should be submitted to the ITSLE workshop.
Papers should follow the ACM SIGPLAN conference style, 10 point font:
Note that by default the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format produces papers in 9 point font by default. If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the \documentclass command. If you are formatting your paper using Word, you may wish to use the provided Word template that supports this font size. Please include page numbers in your submission; setting the preprint option in the LaTeX \documentclass command generates page numbers. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently be submitted for publication elsewhere. The program chairs will apply the principles of the ACM Plagiarism Policy throughout the submission and review process.
Submissions may be made through Easychair:
All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. All accepted papers will be published in ACM Digital Library.
Authors of best papers from the conference will be invited to revise and submit extended versions of their papers for a Journal special issue.
- Best paper. Award for best overall paper, as determined by the PC chairs based on the recommendations of the programme committee.
- Best presentation. Award for the best paper presentation. We want to encourage well structured and lively presentations. Determined by the audience.
- Best reviewer. Award for best reviewer, as determined by the PC chairs using feedback from the authors.
For any questions or concerns about the call for paper, please contact the program co-chairs at: